Paris’ poetess of the walls whispers to their ears. The artist hijacks them to overthrow them and even bridges them. She is the stencil artist who makes them rustle with a breath of spray. Waves of the imagination that take us away, the time of a witticism. A nice escape, time for a flutter of Butterfly wings. I started reading Miss-Tic’s sentences early on. They animate in me an intellectual excitement not far from priapism. They sometimes contain a third-sense that can only appear late or remain occult…
“De mes frasques, je fais des fresques“*
A crime of modesty for insiders, but not a denial of graffiti. She takes responsibility for everything, the trucks, the vandal works that caused her many inconveniences, even celebrity. Urban art is a cornerstone of she is the undisputed lady, the Miss.
She began to carry him in 1981 in France, she rocked him when he made his first teeth in the 90s and consoled his teenage sorrows, bandaged his wounds of heart in the 2000s. Today, as he is in the prime of life, she distances herself but nevertheless, remains at his side and wouldn’t want to give up her presence.
“Je suis partie pour arriver où tu voulais en venir“*
The lady is naturally present. A muse with a singular personality who earned her spot of pioneer thanks to her mixture of seduction and tender provocation. In my opinion, tenderness is the thread through which Miss-Tic establishes this complicity. She lays the implicit as the foundation of her intimate relationship with the public.
“Je prête à rire, mais je donne à penser“*
I remember Bruno and his “Fenêtre sur rue” project in Saint-Denis… Miss-Tic was his lighthouse. I remember meeting Agnès Varda during one of her opening exhibitions at Brugier-Rigail… I told her about Chaillot, the TNP, the photographs in her first festivals in Avignon… I was very impressed to meet her at the exhibition of a street artist and I understood what they represented. Two great ladies of the Art. Agnès Varda will concretize her love of murals thanks to her film with JR. As for me, when I find Miss.Tic’s stencils, I understand that History writes itself on the walls. I understand the testimony and realize that the baton is passing.
“Partir de zéro vers l’infini“*
Mythical or Mystical, and even Mastoc according to Numa’s parodies (that is the prerogative of the stars) Holy Mother, pray for us sinners now ! Miss-Tic is a gospel that I read at every street corner.
“L’abus de plaisir est excellent pour la santé“*
*french quotes are from Miss.Tic
Text written by : Sigismond Cassidanius / Translation by : Marie Le Palec